Jamorphosia can create bass backtracks of your songs by analyzing your music files using artificial intelligence, creating an audio track for each instrument. You can generate music without bass, or extract it, on any music file.
The possibilities offered by this application make it a perfect bassist tool. In a few seconds, transform any audio file (mp3, wma, flac…) into a bass backtrack. It's a much more fun way to practice on your musical instrument!

A perfect app for bass
Generate a bass backtrack in seconds
With just a few clicks, you generate a song without bass and take the place of the original bass player. Jam with all your favorite bands!
Store your songs in the library
Replay all your songs later and keep them handy.
Extract the bass track from any song
Without the other instruments, the bass part of a song can be analyzed more easily, making it easier to work with.

Frequently asked questions
How to make a song without bass (bass backtrack) with Jamorphosia?
Choose a song in the format of your choice (mp3, wav, wma, m4a, mp4, flac), then choose the option to remove the bass from the original music. Generate backtrack in three clicks!
How does Jamorphosia work?
Our app for bass separates the different tracks that make up music using an artificial intelligence process. It analyzes a music file, then splits it into different audio tracks, each containing a different musical instrument.
Why use this bassist tool?
Using Jamorphosia has several advantages. First, it's more fun to play along to the original music rather than practicing alone. Second, those who have the ability to record their performance can keep a concrete record of their progress.